Sabtu, 31 Maret 2012

Tugas Softskill
Bahasa Inggris

Disusun oleh:
Rose Iman Sari


Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial clauses adalah anak kalimat yang fungsinya sebagai adverb atau menerangkan kata kerja atau menjelaskan tentang induk kalimatnya. Untuk menjelaskan induk kalimat tersebut, didahului oleh kata sambung atau dikenal dengan conjuction. Dapat diklasifikasikan menjadi:

1. Clause of Time
         Clause yang menunjukkan waktu, biasanya menggunakan kata sambung seperti before, after, while,   when, as, by the time, until, as soon as, whenever, everytime, no sooner, dll.
     Contoh :
     ·         After I had gotten dressed, I went out.
     ·         By the time he finished, I had cooked dinner.
     ·         Before I ate, I had washed my hands.
     ·         No sooner had she entered than he gave an order
2. Clause of Place
          Clause yang menerangkan tempat, biasanya menggunakan kata sambung seperti where, anywhere,  wherever, everywhere.
     Contoh :
     ·         Wherever there are computers, there is Microsoft software.
     ·         They sat down wherever they could find empty seats
     ·         You can put the box anywhere
3. Clause of Contrast (or concession)
          Clause yang menjelaskan pertentangan antara dua peristiwa/kejadian yang saling berhubungan, biasanya menggunakan kata sambung seperti 
although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, despite, nevertheless, dll.

      Contoh :
      ·         Although it is raining, he still comes.
      ·         In spite of rain, he still comes.
      ·         Even though the weather was cold
      ·         He stopped to help the boy though he was in hurry.
4. Clause of Manner
          Clause yang menjelaskan cara bagaimana suatu peristiwa bisa terjadi. Biasanya menggunakan kata sambung seperti as, how, like, in that, dll.
     Contoh :
     ·         You may finish it how you like
     ·         They may beat us again, like they did in 1978
     ·         He sing as a professional singer
5. Clause of Purpose and Result
          Clause of purpose adalah untuk menyatakan tujuan, dibuat dengan menggunakan kata penghubung seperti (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, dll
Sedangkan clause of result berubungan dengan akibat atau hasil, dibuat dengan kata penghubung seperti therefore, consequently, accordingly, so…that, such…that
           Contoh clause of purpose :
·         They went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
·         He is saving his money so that he can ( may ) take a long vacation. 
Contoh clause of result :
·         He has lied to his parents therefore his parents got angry .
·         Aldi didn’t study well. Consequently, she failed the final exam.
·         She is so emotional that every little thing upsets her.

Perbedaan clause of pupose dan clause of result :
Adverbial clause of purpose menggunakan auxiliary may, can, will, might, could, dan would.  Sedangkan clause of result tidak memakai auxiliary tersebut.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
          Clause yang menerangkan tentang hubungan sebab-akibat. Kata penghubung untuk clause of cause and effect yaitu because, since, as, now that, inasmuch as, as/so long as, due to the fact that. 
Contoh : 
·         I’m studying hard because I want to pass my exam.
·         They had to leave early since their train left at 10.00am
·         Inasmuch as the students had successfully completed their exams, their parents  
                  rewarded their efforts by giving them a trip to Paris.
·         We will be staying for an extra week due to the fact that we have not yet finished.

      7.      Clause of Condition
          Clause yang menunjukkan adanya persyaratan dua kejadian (peristiwa) yang berhubungan. Biasanya dibuat dengan menggunakan conjunctions seperti if, even if, unless, in the even that, or in even that, in case, provided (that), providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing (that), otherwise dll.
Contoh :
 ·        If  I see him, I will invite him to the party tomorrow.
·         She would forgive her husband everything, if only he would come back to her..
·         We should be able to do the job for you quickly, provided (that) you give us all the necessary information.
·         You must come early unless you will be late.
Latihan soal Adverbial clause 
1.      All the members of the parliament applauded _____ the president was walking to his seat.
a.       Even though                            c. otherwise
b.      While                                       d. although

2.      ____ three people died of cholera, the old of the village refused to get an injection against it.
a.       Although                                 c. Since
b.      However                                 d. Because
3.      _____they are widely perceived as gentle creatures, hippopotamuses are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than any other animal.
a.       Despite of                               c. Even though
b.      Inspite of                                 d. Nonetheless 

4.      In the future, computers will be ___ a complex device that so individual could hope to understand how they work.
a.       However                     c. Such
b.      So                                d. Until

5.      “What did your father say when you told him you had lost all your money? “
He was angry ____ he couldn’t say anything.
a.       After                           c. That
b.      When                           d. Therefore

6.      _____ a student, you must obey the regulation.
a.       As                                c. Otherwise
b.      Whereas                      d. Therefore

7.      We are now ___ dependent on computers that’s hard to imagine what things would be like today without them.
a.       After                           c. So
b.      Before                         d. as well as

8.      ____ Andy seldom attends classes, he is always one of the best students in class.
a.       Because                       c. if
b.      Although                     d. Since

9.      He is very understanding and helpful. You can meet him_____
a.       Whenever you want
b.      Unless you have time
c.       Although he has plenty of time
d.      So that he gets angry with you

10.      I have decided to buy a car ____________ I can go to work easily.
a.       So that                                     c. Provided that
b.      In case                                     d. Although

Kunci Jawaban
1.     B
2.     A
3.     C
4.     C
5.     D
6.     A
7.     C
8.     B
9.     A
10. A

Sumber            :
Revolusi Belajar Super Intensif XII IPA. 2011.Ganesha Operation
Direct and Indirect Speech
Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) ialah kata-kata kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh si pembicara. Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tak Langsung) ialah kalimat yang diucapkan untuk melaporkan kata-kata si pembicara kepada orang lain. Jadi, Indirect Speech (Reported Speech) digunakan bila kita ingin melaporkan kata-kata seseorang kepada orang lain secara tak langsung.
Dalam reported speech, bila present tense diubah ke dalam past tense, kata sifat, kata kerja atau kata keterangan umumnya diubah:
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech
This = ini
That = itu
These = ini
Those = itu
Come = datang
Go = pergi
Here = disini
There = disana
Hence = dari sini
Thence = dari sana
Ago = yang lalu
Before = lebih dahulu
Now = sekarang
Then = pada waktu itu
Today = hari ini
That day = hari itu
Tomorrow = besok
Next day = hari berikutnya
Yesterday = kemarin
The previous day = hari sebelumnya
Last night = tadi malam
The previous night = semalam sebelumnya
Next week = minggu depan
The following week = minggu berikutnya
Thus = begini
So = begitu
He said, “I will come here.”
Contoh :
He said that he would go there

Direct &Indirect Speech terdiri dari:
I.         Statement (pernyataan)
II.      Imperative sentences  (kalimat perintah)
III.   Interrogative sentences (kalimat Tanya)
IV. Mixed Type (jenis gabungan)
Berikut ini akan dijelaskan :
I.                   Statement (Pernyataan)
Dalam Indirect Statement kita menggunakan kata that (bahwa) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar (introduce phrase) dan kata-kata yang dilaporkan (reported words). Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam indirect statement ialah :
He said --->
He said to me   ---->                 that + reported words
He told me   ---->

            Example :
a)      Father said “I am going out of town tomorrow”
-          Father said that he was going out of town the following day.
b)      My sister said to me “I don’t like tennis”
-   My sister said to me that she didn’t like tennis.
        c)  Tom said “I didn’t go to school this morning”
            -   Tom said that he hadn’t gone to school that morning.

Apabila kalimat pengantarnya dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense, maka kalimat yang dilaporkan tidak mengalami perubahan.

Example :
a)      Mary says “I have seen that film”
-   Mary says that she has seen that film.
   b) My brother says “I met Tom at the party last night”
     -   My brother says that he met Tom at the party last night.
c)  Tom says “I don’t like English”
      -  Tom says that he don’t like English

II.                   Imperative sentences  (kalimat perintah)
Bila reported speech merupakan kalimat perintah, reporting verb say atau tell harus diubah menjadi kata kerja tertentu yang menandakan :
a) Command :
Direct: He said to his servant, “Go away at once!”
Indirect:He ordered his servant to go away at once
b) Precept :
Direct: She said to her son, “Study hard!”
Indirect: He advised her son to study hard
c) Request :
Direct: He said to his friend, “Please lend me your pen!”
Indirect: He asked his friend to be kind enough to lend him his pencil
d) Entreaty :
Direct: He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir”
Indirect: He begged his master to pardon him.
e) Prohibition :
Direct: She said to her daughter, “Don’t go there”
Indirect: She forbade her daughter to go there

             Command dibagi dalam 2 (dua) bagian yaitu :
1.      Positive Command
Dalam perintah positif kita tambahkan to di depan kalimat perintahnya, sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan perintah yang dilaporkan. Kalimat-kalimat pengantar dalam jenis ini ialah :
             He asked me--->
 He told me  ---->        to + infinitive

           Example :
          a)      He asked me “Open your book”
       - He asked me to open my book.
          b)      John told Mary “Wait until I come”
        - John told Mary to wait until he comes
          c)  The teacher said to the students “Be quiet while I am talking”
             - Teacher told the students to be quiet while she is talking.

2.     Negative Command
      Dalam  perintah negatif kita tambahkan not  to di depan perintah yang dilaporkan.
        Example :
        a)      I told him “Don’t mention it to anyone”
     -  I told him not to mention it to anyone.
        b)      Father asked her “Don’t go there alone”
      -  Father asked her not to go there alone.
        c)      Mothers asked John “Don’t smoke too much”
      -  Mother asked John not to smoke too much.
III.   Interrogative sentences  (kalimat tanya)
Bila pertanyaan langsung (direct question) menggunakan kata-kata tanya seperti      ; Where, When, Why, What, Who, How, dll, maka kata-kata tersebut digunakan sebagai penghubung dalam reported Speech.
             Example :
a)      I asked him : “When did you get back from your trip ?”
-  I asked him when he had got back from his trip.
b)  The man asked me : “Where do you live ?”
     - The man asked me where I lived
c) John asked the girl : “What is your name ?”
-  John asked the girl what her name was.
d) He asked me : “How will you go there ?”
-  He asked me how I would go there.
Bila pertanyaan langsung tidak menggunakan kata-kata tanya, dan hanya merupakan pertanyaan dalam bentuk “Yes & No Question”, maka kita menggunakan kata-kata if, whether (jika, apakah) sebagai penghubung antara kalimat pengantar dan pertanyaan yang dilaporkan.
            Example :
                  a)      The teacher asked her : “Have you finish your homework ?”
                 -  The teacher asked her if he had finished her homework.
                  b)      We asked them : “Will you go to the movie with us tonight ?”
                -  We asked them whether they would go to the movie with us that night.
            c) Mother asked John : “Are you going to marry her ?”
                -  Mother asked John if he was going to marry her.
Note :    Baik if maupun whether dapat digunakan bergantian

IV.             REPORTED SPEECH / MIXED TYPE (Jenis Gabungan)
Bila pertanyaan dan pernyataan digabung dalam Reported Speech maka kita menggunakan kata as (karena) sebagai penghubung pada bagian kalimat pernyataan yang dilaporkan. Dalam hal ini kalimat pernyataan tersebut dilaporkan kemudian. Perhatikanlah contoh-contoh berikut.
Example :
a)      I asked her :”How long have you been studying English ?”, Your accent is very good.
-  I asked her how long she had been studying English as he her accent was very good.
b) She said :”It is cold inside,” Is the window open ?
-  She said that it was cold inside and asked if the window was open.
c) He told me :”I am off to the movie,” Where are you going ?”
    -  He told me that he was off to the movie and asked me where I was going.
d) She asked me :”What is the time ?”, my watch has stopped.
    - She asked me what the time was as her watch had stopped.

Bila dalam pertanyaan langsung disertai dengan jawaban Yes dan No, maka kita menggunakan kata but sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban No dan kata and sebagai penghubung untuk jawaban Yes.
Example :
a) Father asked me :”Are you going to the movie tonight ?” Yes.
    -  Father asked me if I was going to the movie that night and I said I was.
b)  I asked her :”Do you like vegetables ?” Yes, I do.
    -  Is asked her if she liked vegetables and she said she did.
c)  Mother asked John :”Have you had lunch ?” No, I haven’t.
    -  Mother asked John if he had had lunch but he said he hadn’t.
d)  She asked me :”Can you meet me tomorrow ?” No.
     -  She asked me if I could meet her the following day but I said I couldn’t.
Direct & Indirect with Auxiliaries
Perhatikan perubahan-perubahan yang perlu dari Auxiliaries
Direct                                       Indirect
Was/were                         -           had been
can                                   -           could
may                                  -           might
must & have to                 -           had to
must not                           -           wasn’t to /musn’t
needn’t                            -           didn’t have to

Example :
a)      The man asked me :” Can you speak English ?”
-  The man asked me if I could speak English.
b)      The police told me :” You must not drive without license.”
-  The police told me that I wasn’t to drive without license.”
        c) Mary said to John :”You may come to my house tomorrow.”
    -  Mary said to John that she might come to his house the following day.

Latihan Soal Direct and Indirect Speech  
1.      Kiranti said to Tono, “Did you finish homework ?”
Kiranti asked Tono …
a. whether  he finished his homework
b. whether  he has finished his homework
c. if  he finished his homework
d. if  he had finished his homework

2.      Mother : Do you want meatballs or fried chicken?
Mother asked me ____
a. whether I wanted meatball or fried shicken
b. whether I want meatball or fried chicken
c. that I wanted meatball or fried chicken
d. that I want meatball or fried chicken

3.      Beckham : Did you know what Fingo said yesterday?
Raul         : Of course. He said ____ the previous day.
a. had gone to his country            c. he will go to his country
b. he has gone to his country        d. he went to his country

             4.      Doctor   : Open your mouth!
             Mother  : What did the doctor tell you?
             Son       : The doctor told me ___
             a. that I open his mouth           
c. to open my mouth
if I opened my mouth           d. opened my mouth
              5.      Teacher : Why was Mary absent yesterday?
              Jenifer   : What did the teacher want to know, Ferdy?
              Ferdy     : he wanted to know ____
if Mary was absent            c. that Mary had been absent
why Mary was absent       d. why Mary had been absent

              6.      Mother   : Don’t be so noisy, Herman. The baby is sleeping.
              Herman  : Okay, mom.
              Rudy      : What did your mother just told you?
              Herman  : She told me ___ because the baby was sleeping.
              a. I wasn’t so noisy
            c. I am very noisy
not to be so noisy           d. to be not so noisy

             7.      Maya said to her sister, “Don’t go there!”
             Maya asked her sister…..
 a.        not to go there                  c. please don’t go there
 b.      Will not go there               d. to not go there

             8.      Rini said to Tono, “Do you see my pencil?”
             Rini asked Tono….
 a.       Whether if he see Rini’s pencil                 c. Whether he has saw Rini’s pencil
 b.      If he saw Rini’s pencil                              d. If he had saw Rini’s pencil

             9.      Direct : He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir”
             Indirect :  He _________________________
 a.       Forbade his master to pardon him
 b.      Ordered his master to pardon me
 c.       Begged his master to pardon him
 d.      Advised his master to pardon him

             10.  Direct : He said, “I have seen this place.”
             Indirect : He said that he _______________
 a.       Have see that place                       c. Have saw that place
 b.      Had see that place                         d. Had seen that place

      Kunci Jawaban :
            1.      D
            2.      A
            3.      A
            4.      C
            5.      D
            6.      B
            7.      A
            8.      B
            9.      C
            10.  D

Sumber :
      1)      Hartanto, John S. 1996. Accurate, Brief and Clear English Grammar. Surabaya: INDAH